エリー・ゴンサルヴェスのインスタグラム(ellie_gonsalves) - 1月13日 05時36分

This is one of my favorite pics of all time.. I was feeling extremely homesick and lonely so one of my best friends @ranishara came out to stay with me in LA for 4 weeks the first year I was in LA.

There was a lesson in this photo for me, maybe for you too. Sometimes life may look so easy and wonderful, especially on social media -- because we see images like this. But I went through some really hard times when I moved out to LA, it wasn't easy, I was alone constantly, I had to start all over again.. I even lost my dad (that made life even harder, I was absolutely heartbroken.. he was my bestie & my biggest cheerleader). It would've been SO easy for me to give up.
But to all those out there who are seeing this from me, know that hard times ALWAYS pass and great things don't happen if you just sit back and don't take risks. Sure you might fail, but stand up again and go after your dreams.
Stay focused, work hard, try and keep a positive attitude and surround yourself with people who believe in YOU. Sure you're gonna have hard days -- that's life, take it as it comes. But it's all worth it ?? So remember, life isn't perfect (for anyone) but there can be many, many perfect moments to be had. Just like this one ☝? PS. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough to be something you wanna be, that's just BS, what do they know anyway ?


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