ティム・ケンプルのインスタグラム(timkemple) - 1月18日 02時12分

Tech Tip Tuesday: It's that time again... my weekly dose of camera beta and other tricks of the photo and film trade.

Creating a perfect sun star like you see here is pretty simple if you have a dSLR camera and a decent lens, just set your aperture to F11 or above and you'll start to see tighter and tighter sun stars. A lot of people probably know this already... but did you know that if you turn up your ISO to get that higher F-Stop you lose about 1 stop of dynamic range (image information) for every stop you bump up the ISO - this becomes even more drastic as you inch into the higher ISOs.

So what does all that tech talk mean? Simply, when you want to shoot the sun, use a higher numbered aperture and keep your ISO as low as possible. •

One last thing... prime lenses tend to do better in these situations because there are a fewer elements between the sensor and the sun. •
#techtiptuesday #utah #slc


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