#BirthdayLove - My life for the next 10 days my first vacation in 7 years!! Today a true #Capricorn was born - Thank you father God for allowing me to see another birthday - this post was put up at exactly 1:11am tucked away hidden somewhere far away isolated on an island from everything and everyone...... last night I prayed some hard prayers for 30 mins right before midnight - I just finished on the beach for a miracle a breakthrough something that only the people in the KNOW would know about.... last night looking up at the stars i decided to have one of the best open and honest talks with God about where I am what he has brought me through and how I have never ever ever lost faith in HIM throughout some of my darkest hours........... And this is the reason I feel God continues to extend GRACE and FAVOR over my life, family, health and career.... Not too many people are able to say this - When people greet me and say Happy Birthday - for the first time in my life I actually FEEL "HAPPY" on my birthday........ I am going to try and decompress and force myself to do absolutely #nothing....... knowing me I'm going to come up with more shit to do and more ideas #CapricornSeason #VoltronChairmanDeuces #REBELJeep #FeelTooGrownToTurnUPThisYear I am going to stay tucked away and do absolutely nothing - #GrownManSeason get to #VoltronMotors.com so proud of our new jeep designs just released today!as you send love my way just know I'm sending it right back to you.......... Cheers! #VoltronChairman #VoltronMotors.com go there now......... #KingLevelz

tyreseさん(@tyrese)が投稿した動画 -

タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月31日 04時07分

#BirthdayLove - My life for the next 10 days my first vacation in 7 years!! Today a true #Capricorn was born - Thank you father God for allowing me to see another birthday - this post was put up at exactly 1:11am tucked away hidden somewhere far away isolated on an island from everything and everyone...... last night I prayed some hard prayers for 30 mins right before midnight - I just finished on the beach for a miracle a breakthrough something that only the people in the KNOW would know about.... last night looking up at the stars i decided to have one of the best open and honest talks with God about where I am what he has brought me through and how I have never ever ever lost faith in HIM throughout some of my darkest hours........... And this is the reason I feel God continues to extend GRACE and FAVOR over my life, family, health and career.... Not too many people are able to say this - When people greet me and say Happy Birthday - for the first time in my life I actually FEEL "HAPPY" on my birthday........ I am going to try and decompress and force myself to do absolutely #nothing....... knowing me I'm going to come up with more shit to do and more ideas #CapricornSeason #VoltronChairmanDeuces #REBELJeep #FeelTooGrownToTurnUPThisYear I am going to stay tucked away and do absolutely nothing - #GrownManSeason get to #VoltronMotors.com so proud of our new jeep designs just released today!as you send love my way just know I'm sending it right back to you.......... Cheers!
#VoltronChairman #VoltronMotors.com go there now......... #KingLevelz


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




