タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月25日 17時42分

15 feet......... of love............ We tend to look in a lot of directions for love and validation but the one things real and consistent and wants nothing more than just their parent is our children - I was in a funk all day maybe cause it's the end of the year or it's because most of the people that I'm closest to either work for me or with me who I consider to be my family they all tend to vanish to be with their actual families during the holidays!!!! One things for sure - I gave this year all I had and what made me happy was my little angel jumping in my bed and playing with my ears - Tonight we won't be opening gifts...... it will be full night of wrapping paper - I'm humbled in the presence and love of God merry Christmas to you and your families I decided to sit still and be super low key this year drama free and entitlement free I owe nothing to no one I've literally gave my all it's time to rest and recover and seek the guidance of Gods new orders over my life.......... Merry Christmas people of God enjoy yourself..... from the Gibson's to you and yours!!!!


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