エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 11月29日 07時48分

I've had some time to look through old photos while hanging out with my mom in the hospital, and wanted to put up a new blog on amydavidson.com What to write about...? It's cyber Monday, so CYBER MONDAY DEALS it is...! This is one of my favorite pics because I was newly pregnant and my belly was just starting to pop??I still love this jacket and I'm back into these jeans! Yay! Nothing in the picture is maternity. Major CYBER DAY SALE alert so check out the blog- LINK IN BIO✔️ I've had some extra time on my hands. ? http://liketk.it/2pIga @liketoknow.it #liketkit
Update on mom- she's doing much better. I think it's all those extra prayers from all of you... I am so grateful?? Thank you. I love you all❤️❤️❤️


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