アミーナ・ブルーのインスタグラム(amina.blue) - 11月12日 19時34分

The goal is to educate. Not to judge or criticize . Like many of my followers I ate meat and dairy at one point. It's up to you to make a connection as to why it's wrong and make that change .
Dairy cows and Egg laying hens are killed as waste products when it is no longer economically viable to keep them alive. This is not just true of factory farms. All farmers, are in the job to make a profit. They do not hold onto animals who instead of making them profit, cost them more money. The animals are all shipped to the slaughterhouse or killed on the farms where they were raised/exploited.
Naturally cows live to be 20-25 years old, but dairy cows are shackled and hoisted upside down to have their throats slit open at 4-6 years of age.
Naturally chickens live to be 10-15 years old, but egg spent layers have their throats slit, are painfully gassed or thrown on top of dead piles left to die, at just 12-18 months old.
We are not innocent bystanders to their suffering if we pay for it. It's up to us, the consumer, to stop it. Or else nothing will ever change, no matter how many welfarist petitions you sign.
Feeling bad won't save them and your excuses won't save them. Only your actions will.
RP @jane_doe7x


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