FOLKのインスタグラム(folkmagazine) - 11月10日 00時35分

Today we will focus on beauty. Today we will focus on unity. Today we will move forward. My friends and family are crying over the election we are crying over this nation being divided...but we know that we must continue to move forward. No matter what. We are people. We are all made of the same carbon and fibers. We all bleed. We all cry. We all laugh and smile and praise the universe for allowing us the great privilege to be part of humanity...and we are bigger than our divisions and bigger than political parties. The time is now to conquer fear and to push for education. It is time that humanity unites. The costs may be high...but it is a fight we must all fight. Today and tomorrow and in every day and moment to come please think of us all not by our politics, our race, or location, or orientation and let us all come together to pour love and grace into those that want to oppress and hurt. We the millennials of this universe are the generation that must end the intolerance and hate. That is why we are on this earth and this is a journey that we should consider ourselves privileged to be a part of. Grace. Peace. Love. Photo by @btonevibes #liveauthentic


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