イリース・バウマンのインスタグラム(baumanelise) - 10月29日 04時48分

Just read a beautiful article about an Indian girl's experience with internalized racism and learning to love herself in her own skin - literally. This quote in particular from her article I thought was so beautiful and important: “Beauty is as beauty does, a single monolithic standard of beauty is unattainable- it makes no sense. Nature, with its phenomenal diversity, provides a model of the range and variety that beauty may assume. Thus, a lily is no more beautiful than a rose; an oak tree no more beautiful than a palm tree; and an opal no more beautiful than a pearl. Each is beautiful in its own way and plays a special role in our world.” ❤️ https://aswathithomas.wordpress.com/2016/10/23/im-indian-im-dark-and-i-dont-care/


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