YingTzeのインスタグラム(yingtze) - 10月17日 19時01分

After gym , I went to 7-11 to get some eggs because I feel like having eggs for breakfast tomorrow. I took the eggs and paid for it then I realized that they have milk so I wanted to get one too.
When I wanna pay for the milk , I accidentally put down the eggs a little too hard so I screamed " OH TELURKU !!!! " There was a 7-11 guy arranging stuff beside me and he looked at me feeling confused. The cashier lady laughed and said " She is referring to the eggs that she just bought . "

Then I laughed too because " Telur " can mean balls too . The 7-11 guy must have thought that I hit my balls sumwhere to scream " Oh Telurku " that loud . Then he look confused because clearly I don't look like a guy. ?????? Ah this little encounter made my day. Appreciate all the funny things that put a smile to my face everyday ! ??? Have a picture of my Telurku and my milk.

#happy #blessed #YingTze


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




