NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 10月14日 05時17分

Two trillion galaxies! The universe suddenly looks a lot more crowded, thanks to a deep-sky census assembled from surveys taken by our Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories. Astronomers came to the surprising conclusion that there are at least 10 times more galaxies in the observable universe than previously thought. The results have clear implications for galaxy formation, and also helps shed light on an ancient astronomical paradox - why is the sky dark at night? Researchers came to the conclusion that indeed there actually is such an abundance of galaxies that, in principle, every patch in the sky contains part of a galaxy. However, starlight from the galaxies is invisible to the human eye and most modern telescopes due to other known factors that reduce visible and ultraviolet light in the universe. Those factors are the reddening of light due to the expansion of space, the universe's dynamic nature, and the absorption of light by intergalactic dust and gas. All combined, this keeps the night sky dark to our vision.

This image covers a portion of a large galaxy census called the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). Credits: NASA, ESA, the GOODS Team, and M. Giavalisco (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

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