ジョエル・ヒューストンのインスタグラム(joelhouston) - 10月11日 05時31分

#TheWhiteHelmets on @ネットフリックス is so profoundly moving... Before you lay culprit to the vast hateful rhetoric that condemns all Syrians, and especially those who are #refugees in the same basket as Isis and terrorism, please take 40 minutes of your privileged life to watch this documentary. It reminds me that good-will and loving-kindness exists somewhere in the fabric of our shared-broken-humanity at a time when fear and detachment seems so painfully prevailing. Please just watch... their children are our children, their brothers and sisters are our brothers and sisters... their lives are our lives.. if ever there were a time for the church to be held accountable for what we did and didn't do, say or even think.. this is it... #AreWeSheepOrAreWeGoats #empathyOverApathy


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