Scroll on as you wish... That's the tragic beauty of our gift of free-will... To use it as we wish, to wish upon a star or wish upon a desire, or a rhetoric, or promise, or the illusion of our "right" to do as we will, as we wish... But this, here, is the reality of the collateral fallout of our so called endowed "rights", and it ain't alright... I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to think... I just know this is not all-right --- and I feel now like I felt sitting eye to eye with families and children just like this little guy, who though different from me, are no different to me.. They are human beings, loved by God, and victims of a circumstance they didn't bring upon themselves, at least to no more extent than we ought share their suffering with them.... Maybe that's it, maybe the answer, or at least the start is in the simple fact that within our depravity, we have within us the beautiful opportunity to empathise.. To position our hearts and minds, and hands and "rights" in the chair next to this child.... Maybe that's where we start... We forsake our entitlement, our will to scroll, or self-justify and remove ourselves from any attachment or responsibility... And feel.... Maybe, its a choice to pray, not from a distance, but from the depths of putting ourselves, our hopes and dreams, our "rights" and our wrongs in that boys shoes... Maybe that's a start... I don't know.. I just wish I had more answers... And right now, I have little more than a heart that bleeds ignorant in its helplessness to do more... And so my prayer tonight, begins with me.. Change me! Change the way I think.. Help me to see the world like Jesus saw me... Rid me of this filthy self entitlement that separates me from this beloved child... Humble us. Amen.

joelhoustonさん(@joelhouston)が投稿した動画 -

ジョエル・ヒューストンのインスタグラム(joelhouston) - 8月19日 02時20分

Scroll on as you wish... That's the tragic beauty of our gift of free-will... To use it as we wish, to wish upon a star or wish upon a desire, or a rhetoric, or promise, or the illusion of our "right" to do as we will, as we wish... But this, here, is the reality of the collateral fallout of our so called endowed "rights", and it ain't alright... I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to think... I just know this is not all-right --- and I feel now like I felt sitting eye to eye with families and children just like this little guy, who though different from me, are no different to me.. They are human beings, loved by God, and victims of a circumstance they didn't bring upon themselves, at least to no more extent than we ought share their suffering with them.... Maybe that's it, maybe the answer, or at least the start is in the simple fact that within our depravity, we have within us the beautiful opportunity to empathise.. To position our hearts and minds, and hands and "rights" in the chair next to this child.... Maybe that's where we start... We forsake our entitlement, our will to scroll, or self-justify and remove ourselves from any attachment or responsibility... And feel.... Maybe, its a choice to pray, not from a distance, but from the depths of putting ourselves, our hopes and dreams, our "rights" and our wrongs in that boys shoes... Maybe that's a start... I don't know.. I just wish I had more answers... And right now, I have little more than a heart that bleeds ignorant in its helplessness to do more... And so my prayer tonight, begins with me.. Change me! Change the way I think.. Help me to see the world like Jesus saw me... Rid me of this filthy self entitlement that separates me from this beloved child... Humble us. Amen.


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