ナーレ・フッカタイバルのインスタグラム(nalle_hukkataival) - 10月9日 00時19分

Things are moving forward with the Lappnor project once again! It's definitely a humbling process every time. Weeks and weeks of gruelling work just to get back to the level of the last years - and hopefully further.

It takes constant effort to keep telling yourself that it's working when it certainly doesn't always seem like it. The only way I know how is to try to flip everything into a positive. Try to turn a blind eye to the fact that you fall on the third move and instead be happy that you did two moves. But it's easier said than done. The unconscious mind is a tough enemy. Our rational mind understands that without failure there is no success. But our unconscious mind wants none of that and will make it's opinion known often and loudly.

Rather than a physical challenge, it's become a mental exercise above all. Some days - and those are usually the good days - it's mostly about the physical action of working with your body on the rock. My last session was like that. Doing moves. Making links. Feeling the control and the strength that wasn't there before. It's working.
@blackdiamond @lasportivagram @island.io #liveclimbrepeat


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