Rozinaのインスタグラム(rozinataguchi) - 10月7日 10時23分

Today is National Coach's Day. It's also the 2017 Southwestern Regional Championships. Thank you so much to my coaches Dar and Pédro for always supporting me and not sugar coating anything(which may hurt at first but will always make you better). Today I accomplished something I never thought was possible for me, I made to the Championship Round and got my personal best with a placement of 5th out of 33 skaters from 7 states. Peter and Darlene, you guys made me a miracle. When I came to you a year ago, I was at the bottom of the heap with nothing but hope and love for skating, but now I'm rising to the top with a light at the end of the tunnel. I thank you for those days when I thought I would just about collapse on the ice from exhaustion and you convinced me that I could keep going, that as long as you are strong mentally, you will be strong physically. You guys taught me to never give up because you never know how the next competitor will perform. And most importantly, you taught me that to a champion, it doesn't matter how hard you get hit; it matters how hard you can get hit and keep going. You guys are amazing and I'm so lucky to have coaches like you?❤️??⛸ My quote for the day- Hard work will pays off and never fails to. #teamcain #nationalcoachesday #muchlove


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