レイシー・バンハードのインスタグラム(lacey_shameela) - 10月5日 20時03分

Definitely one of my BIGGEST takeaways at 24 years old.
I don't know about any other decades but your 20's are not an easy ride.
Learning who you are, who your friends are, letting go of the fact that your friends now have lives and sleepovers are not top of their priorities.
Going from budgeting £10 pocket money to last a whole weekend to budgeting a crappy paycheque to cover the household bills at least ??
Loving men who didn't know how to handle you so then they just suppressed you, after gathering the courage to finally leave we then have to learn how to rebuild our lives, confidence and the friendships that got ruined during the long dragged out process.

Learning how to grow into a woman, achieve your goals and dreams in a male dominated world.

Remembering that you are a female and no matter what curves balls you get in life, YOU'VE GOT THIS!

The list is endless. I'm just so grateful I found this opportunity in my 20's.
I may still have to deal with the daily struggles from girl to womanhood but this business has given me the opportunity to be a female in control of her own life and not to have to be reliant on any one or any man ??. I wish the same for all my fellow 20-somethings.. Let's just hope and pray the 30's get easier ???


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