レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 9月29日 15時17分

Tonight we said goodbye to Allison Williams, aka Marnie Marie Michaels, aka the most talented, hard-working, generous, tireless, self-deprecating and delicious smelling woman I have ever known. Have you ever met someone who got a hand injury writing Thank You notes? Neither had I until Allison came along. From the moment we met her six years ago, we knew she would give everything to this character and she did. Her bravery, sense of adventure and tenacity has made every day with her an honor. Instead of sharing a pic of Allison as the inimitable Marnie I'm sharing this: from a hospital stay I had where Allison came and organized my entire room, fluffed my pillow, put roses everywhere, installed an Apple TV AND made sure I had a buttered bagel. That's the most important thing to know about this woman. Yes she's gorgeous. Yes she's funny as fuck. But you will never have a better friend and sister. We are so lucky. I love you, Al. #MarnieForever #endofGIRLS


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