アラナ・ニコルズのインスタグラム(alanathejane) - 9月16日 02時53分

Alright, I've had some time to process and have decided I love this @kusumotophoto shot the most because it captures the pure elation that come with finishing something you started. 2 years ago I set out on this mission of competing in my 3rd @paralympics sport and will admit that I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I joined the @sdckt and put my nose to the grind stone, knowing that no matter what the challenge is, with the right amount of hard work, determination and resourcefulness, surely I can make this happen! Little did I know I was embarking on a quest that would make me dig deeper than ever before. Today I finished 7th in the world in the sport of #sprintkayaking after 2 years of diligent hard work. It's obvious that this sport requires much more time... I commend the athletes that sat and stood atop the podium today... no one in the world can imagine the amount of hard work, YEARS of dedication and commitment you've put into those medals. Well done #paracanoe (ps. We are kayakers and go forward) ??? #thankyouforthelove! @usparalympics #proudparalympian


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