Travis Burkeのインスタグラム(travisburkephotography) - 9月12日 09時28分

There is an extremely old home video my parents have of me trying to walk across a log (on the ground) when I was about 8 yrs old. I couldn't even take a few steps without falling and we'd all laugh. My dad also tells a story of teaching me how to swing on a swing set and concluding that I couldn't be his son because of my apparent lack of coordination lol.
I'd like to openly admit that I have never viewed myself as being very talented, (even with photography) but one of the greatest assets that has helped me so far, is my ridiculous passion and dedication to work. And I'm not just talking about a job, though that is obviously important, but also the exertion of energy to accomplish something, either physically or mentally.
I'll also be the first to admit I still have a lot to learn... But I'll keep taking those steps forward, even when I fall!
Self-portrait from my first highline crossing a few years back after a week of falling and being so sore and bruised I could barely walk.
#livepassionately #followyourdreams


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