イリース・バウマンのインスタグラム(baumanelise) - 9月2日 22時17分

A few months ago my landlords told me they were moving into my apartment and, instead of finding a new place, I sold all my furniture, packed my things into boxes and spent the past two months couch surfing with friends. I've learned so much about generosity from the people who have so graciously shared their space with me. I've learned that, without my own room to shut myself in, I've been missing out on connections with people, and often when I tell myself I need so much alone time, I'm really just hiding. I've slept better on couches than on my old queen bed. I've learned I can clean other people's dishes, with joy. I've learned that surrendering to the universal flow is so much more fun than trying to plan and control my life. It's taken me to a few different cities this summer and is taking me on more adventures soon. I've felt more at home these past two months than I ever have in any apartment of mine, and have truly felt that home is not four walls and a nice place I can brag about, it's with me wherever I go, if I'm living my truth. Moving into a new place today and bringing that feeling with me. ?


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