Teen Vogueのインスタグラム(teenvogue) - 8月13日 23時36分

New York DJ @ハーレー・ヴィエラ・ニュートン never succumbed to the perennial tomboy trend. “Dresses are definitely my uniform; it’s rare to catch me in trousers,” says the 28-year-old, who recently launched HVN, a line of fresh and flirty frocks. “It always feels like I am forcing something unnatural.”
Going from downtown DJ du jour to working with multiple luxury brands, including Dolce and Dior, Harley became known around town not just for spinning hot tracks but for her signature classic-ladylike-meets-dive-bar style as well. Yet her itch to design clothes harks back to a time long before she made beats. “I recently discovered sketches I drew when I was 10 years old for a clothing line I was apparently developing,” she explains. “There was a palm tree dress, and now I have a palm print in my collection—so it has all come very full circle!”
Harley spent more than a year researching the design process— investigating factories, fabrics, and printmaking—but it was her vast experience and love of vintage shopping that really paid off. “I would imagine certain shapes in certain prints and then hunt for them in shops,” she says. “I never quite found what I was looking for, so I began subconsciously designing the pieces in my head.” She may not sport trousers, but as one of fashion’s newest businesswomen she definitely wears the pants. ?: @vforshee


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