ジェシカ・シーバのインスタグラム(mommasgonecity) - 7月29日 02時00分

hey guys. time to take a minute to talk about the sponsorships on my page. Every day I wake up grateful for my life, my family, our health, and my ability to share some of the beautiful, silly parts of our lives with all of you. This is something I take very seriously, and I'm fortunate to have sponsors that align with our lives and value system. I value my family's privacy incredibly, and wouldn't share with millions of people unless it benefitted the lives of my children, too. I realize that some might think it's annoying or disingenuous that I'm paid to promote brands, and that's fine-I hope that you take a moment to understand that negativity begets negativity, which is exactly the opposite of what I do here on this page. I'm proud of everything we have done and accomplished here (not without a few missteps, such is life), and I'll continue to partner with brands that I love and appreciate. I'm always open to conversation and I sincerely appreciate all of you ❤️ thank you for being here for all of it!


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