ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月28日 22時25分

Every year, the mayor of the small Polish town of Wrzesnia selects one photographer to produce a narrative of the community. When Adam Lach (@lachadam) was invited to contribute, he eagerly accepted. For 8 months, he photographed daily routines in #Wrzesnia. What had seemed simple and ordinary gradually revealed to him beautifully surreal and extraordinary details, facets of what he calls the “magic of everyday life.” One family in particular became crucial to his project: 12-year-old Nadia Smolarkiewicz, pictured here, her parents and her siblings. Nadia composed a poem for @lachadam’s book about Wrzesnia: "A kind of grey, ugly building / A kind of dot in the world’s tale / But for me / This dot means more / Than whole sentences. / In my house / Everybody cried, / Everybody laughed… / Cracked walls / Remember children’s cries, / And things / That people have already forgotten. / For me / My house / Is the most wonderful place in the world.” #lensblog


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