thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 7月12日 23時04分

Photography by Kevin Schafer @schaferpho – A wild Quokka forages during a summer rain shower on Rottnest Island, Western Australia. It is widely known that many of the small, endemic marsupials of Australia are in desperate trouble. But it’s not all bad news: on this small offshore island outside Perth the little Quokka is doing just fine. Protected by law, and without any predators, these little kangaroo cousins are thriving, despite being very rarely seen on the nearby mainland. I was laying flat on the ground to get an eye-level perspective when the rain started, and instead of running for cover, I kept shooting — calculating in my head how long it would take for the water to leak into my lens and put me out of action… @ナショナルジオグラフィック #quokka #rottnest #marsupial #wildlife #aussieanimals #endangered


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