Teen Vogueのインスタグラム(teenvogue) - 7月8日 00時57分

In the past two days, you have likely seen videos surface that show police officers shooting and killing two black men. According to The Guardian, so far this year, 561 people have been killed by police in the United States. A 2015 report revealed that 1,134 young, black men were killed by police at a rate five times higher than white men of the same age. When we hear the cries of #BlackLivesMatter, we should not hear that white or blue lives don't. Instead, we should join in mourning the losses of husbands, fathers, mothers, daughters, brothers, sisters, wives, and partners whose lives were taken. We say Black Lives Matter because our justice system says—time and time again—that they do not. #AltonSterling and #PhilandoCastile matter. Present tense. And so do the black people who mourn them and fear for their safety every time these events dominate our news cycle and conversations.


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