ローラ・スペンサーのインスタグラム(itslauraspencer) - 6月20日 02時31分

Shortly after this photo, I think I ate that handful of sand. So, thanks Dad, for that delicious introduction to the west coast and for letting me be myself from the start. ✍?My Dad and I switched places, venturing to new states to pursue our careers and exercise our independence. He came from California to Oklahoma to go to college, then fell in love with my Mom, got his degrees, and stayed. Now I've come from Oklahoma to California, created a career, made incredible friends, fallen in love, and have stayed. Grateful to have him as an example of following your dreams and impulses. Grateful that he cheered on my determination and creativity, and that he continues to be my number one cheerleader. Happy Father's Day to my Dad and to all the Dads that have done the same for their kids. ❤️


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