ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月18日 09時15分

The filmmaker Beth B was 13 in 1969, the year her mother, Ida Horowitz, checked herself into the mental ward of Mercy Hospital in San Diego. Ida, a Chevy-driving mother of 4 and a struggling artist, kept a suicide contingency plan — a plastic bag just the right size to fit snugly over her head — at the bottom of her purse. Incoherent, Ida spent much of her 6 weeks in the hospital drawing what would become her salvation: over 100 fantastical images in which abstract forms collide, float, somersault and are engulfed by others. The work, which was forgotten for 40 years, is now the centerpiece of an exhibition opening July 8 at @icamiami. For Beth, her mother’s demons and eventual breakthrough are the underpinnings of her new documentary, “Call Her Applebroog.” @damonwinter took this #portrait of the pair at Ida’s home while on #nytassignment.

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