Happy national best friends day, daisies! When I think of friendship, I immediately think of the magical friendship that exists between girls. It is not merely a word or an idea but a living, breathing language that can take its form in: hugs, glances, hand holds, friendship bracelets, diaries, text messages, letters, and I love you's. This language crosses decades and borders and oceans and races and computer screens (love you Internet!). Sisterhood has communicated itself through our entire history, even if the people showcasing it did not intend for it to further the Girl Agenda. Sometimes sisterhood is quiet and more in between the lines: When you belong to an marginalized group, you automatically even if subconsciously align and position yourself with that group, and depend on it. Therefore, I cannot separate girl friendship from Survival against oppression and patriarchy. It is a force so unequivocally Powerful that it has survived an immeasurable amount of oppression throughout history and is continuously reclaimed. While sisterhood can show itself in adorable/but still powerful things that I listed above, it can also show itself when you are being totally consumed by your oppression: being cat-called/slut-shamed/having your rights/your mind/your CHOICE taken away from you in some form. These are examples of when it possibly showcases and presents itself the most of all. This is perhaps the most beautiful thing about sisterhood, No matter how many times you leave feminism/sisterhood, it will always be there for you, waiting with open arms. When I picture sisterhood in my mind in group settings, I see a golden line connecting all of the femme people in that room together, which brings is a involuntary sense of comfort and an overwhelming sense of hope. Girl/Femme Friendship is the most powerful force I've ever and will ever encountered and I am endlessly grateful for it. With that, I encourage you to think about these "golden lines" that connect us and find a safety in that. I encourage you to help create that safety net for you and your friends. We need each other. I love you all. ??? Photo from Restrospace Flickr.

rowanblanchardさん(@rowanblanchard)が投稿した動画 -

ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 6月9日 13時13分

Happy national best friends day, daisies! When I think of friendship, I immediately think of the magical friendship that exists between girls. It is not merely a word or an idea but a living, breathing language that can take its form in: hugs, glances, hand holds, friendship bracelets, diaries, text messages, letters, and I love you's. This language crosses decades and borders and oceans and races and computer screens (love you Internet!). Sisterhood has communicated itself through our entire history, even if the people showcasing it did not intend for it to further the Girl Agenda. Sometimes sisterhood is quiet and more in between the lines: When you belong to an marginalized group, you automatically even if subconsciously align and position yourself with that group, and depend on it. Therefore, I cannot separate girl friendship from Survival against oppression and patriarchy. It is a force so unequivocally Powerful that it has survived an immeasurable amount of oppression throughout history and is continuously reclaimed. While sisterhood can show itself in adorable/but still powerful things that I listed above, it can also show itself when you are being totally consumed by your oppression: being cat-called/slut-shamed/having your rights/your mind/your CHOICE taken away from you in some form. These are examples of when it possibly showcases and presents itself the most of all. This is perhaps the most beautiful thing about sisterhood, No matter how many times you leave feminism/sisterhood, it will always be there for you, waiting with open arms. When I picture sisterhood in my mind in group settings, I see a golden line connecting all of the femme people in that room together, which brings is a involuntary sense of comfort and an overwhelming sense of hope. Girl/Femme Friendship is the most powerful force I've ever and will ever encountered and I am endlessly grateful for it. With that, I encourage you to think about these "golden lines" that connect us and find a safety in that. I encourage you to help create that safety net for you and your friends. We need each other. I love you all. ???
Photo from Restrospace Flickr.


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