イブテハージ・ムハンマドのインスタグラム(ibtihajmuhammad) - 5月26日 06時26分

After stepping off the podium in February and realizing my life long dream of qualifying for the United States Olympic Team had come true, the very first person I thought of was my nephew Zayd. While so many boys find inspiration in sports from men, I'm happy to know my nephew has me and my sister Faizah to look up to. I wanted to qualify not just for myself, but for him. So he could see first hand, that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

I pray that this summer he'll be front row in Rio, cheering me on as I fight for Olympic gold! You can help make that dream come true. We're raising money to help my family's travel to Rio to support me in my quest for gold! ??? DONATE HERE: LaunchGood.com/ibtihaj (link in bio)


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