エラッジ・バルデのインスタグラム(elladjbalde) - 5月18日 01時19分

Today, May 17th 2016, marks 25 years since your departure to a different world. Sometimes I sit here and wonder what our life would have been if you were still around. Would we be living in Canada?Would we still be in Germany? Or maybe we never would have left Russia. I wonder what kind of woman you would have grown up to be. I wonder what kind of relationship we would have shared and how many times I would have came to you for advice. Our parents keep telling me how full of life you were. How this gruelling sickness should have stolen all the happiness, joy and love out of you, but you still smiled... maybe you could have shown me how to live this way. Would I have been a better man, a different man? All of those questions are left unanswered but it's ok my angel. I might not remember you because I was too young but something inside me feels deeply connected to you. Even if you are not here physically, I know you are here somewhere in the universe. I can feel you, I can feel your guidance, I feel your love, and I feel like I've known you my entire life. Rest in peace my beautiful sister, I love you with my whole being ❤️
September 18, 1983 - May 17, 1991


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