カリーヌ・ヴァナッスのインスタグラム(karinevanasse) - 5月2日 08時51分

These past few months have been full of surprises... I wished to be working on projects and with crews that would inspire me deeply, that would constantly make me reaffirm why I am proud to be part of this industry... and that's exactly what happened. When you choose projects based on great material and on how excited you are to collaborate with the artists behind them, you honestly can't go wrong. ? On ne se trompe jamais en faisant nos choix basés sur le réel enthousiasme que l'on ressent à dire oui a ces opportunités. C'est rassurant de voir que l'efficacité de cette façon de faire se reconfirme constamment. #TimeToGoHomeNow


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



