カリーヌ・ヴァナッスのインスタグラム(karinevanasse) - 4月25日 18時46分

Le professionnalisme qu'ils portent jusqu'au bout de leurs doigts, les fou rires que l'on partage a chaque fois... Je ne répéterai jamais assez a quel point je suis bien entourée. Ca fait vraiment toute la différence. ??? ? I will never say enough what a great team I have around me. If you ask me one of the best thing I've done in my professionnal life over the past few years, I will tell you to have built and valued my relationship with every single one of them. They are not all on the picture, but the tags are. They put "glam" at the same level as "authenticity" and prove that they can co-exist with ease. #galaartis


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