ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月26日 05時18分

“Everybody in my life said to me: When you stop acting, you’re going to be lost,” Jodie Foster told @ニューヨーク・タイムズ. “What are you going to do when people don’t take your phone call or when you can’t get a reservation in a restaurant?” The star hasn’t taken a new acting role since her 2013 @ゴールデングローブ賞 speech set the Internet ablaze. Her emphasis on directing since then reflects her ceaseless process of self-examination and self-discovery. “Maybe I’ll lose my identity,” the 53-year-old said. “But I guess I need to find out, and I’m willing to take that chance.” Jodie Foster’s 4th big-screen directing effort, “Money Monster” — a New York City thriller starring George Clooney and Julia Roberts — comes out on May 13. @jessedittmar photographed #JodieFoster in New York.


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