thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 4月23日 03時59分

Photo by Kevin Schafer – @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック – This is a post in honor of Earth Day, an annual event begun in 1970 which was widely considered the birth of the modern environmental movement. How far have we come in the past 46 years? There is plenty of bad news to go around on Earth Day 2016, from climate change to a growing wave of species extinctions. But to mark today, I want to share a very small, but profound, "good news” story. The Yellow-eyed Penguin, found only in the southern reaches of New Zealand, may soon vanish entirely from the main islands, victims of habitat loss and a host of introduced predators (including domestic dogs and cats). Yet the species has managed to hang on in a few places where the Kiwis (as NZ’ers call themselves) have worked to restore a natural habitat, largely through exterminating rats from small, offshore islands. This pair of nuzzling Yellow-eyeds were on little Enderby Island, far south of the main islands, a place that provides a magical glimpse of a world that has almost vanished. The Kiwis have become global leaders in this kind of habitat restoration, taking their skills to islands all over the world, and making an enormous difference. Is there much more to do? Always. #hoiho #yellow-eyedpenguins #endangered #wildlife #earthday2016 #earthday


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