ティム・ケンプルのインスタグラム(timkemple) - 4月20日 12時24分

Tech Tip Tuesday: Who has ever hiked miles from the car, or gotten up before sunrise, or rappelled down a rope, or waited for that perfect sunset light only to realize that you've forgotten your SD card for your camera? Nothing makes you feel like more of a complete @jerryoftheday than forgetting something that small and simple, yet absolutely essential... especially when you consider how far we travel as filmmakers and photographers to get the shot.
I made this mistake one too many times years ago and have since come up with an easy solution:
1) Go online and buy a simple SD card for $25
2) Keep it in its plastic case and tape it with duct tape so it can only be opened in emergencies. I intentionally make it difficult on myself
3) Stash that sucker in a small pocket in your camera bag. You know one of those pockets that you never use.
4) Forget about it (the card weighs nothing after all) until that one day when your cards were left behind... then instead of a Jerry you'll be a genius!! #techtiptuesday #patagonia


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