レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 4月18日 22時00分

Tomorrow is the primary here in my home state of New York. While I've spent time campaigning for my candidate of choice, the message I want to share today is a simple one: VOTE. Voting is one of the top ways that we make our voices heard as citizens, that we demand change. As WOMEN it is especially important that we show up to the polls this election. We are incredibly lucky to be living in a country with a free and open democratic process, which is simply not the case for so many globally. I see you all- you've educated yourselves, shown passion and vigor through this whole primary process. I have crazy respect for everyone who chooses to reject apathy and engage the electoral process. So, vote with your friends. Vote with your family (even if you don't all agree you can carpool to the polls.) Vote with your heart and soul and the strength of your convictions. Just VOTE. To find your polling place, go to the link in my bio!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




