ローラ・スペンサーのインスタグラム(itslauraspencer) - 4月15日 12時09分

Vintage Clothing #tbt #35mm #canonae1 ✍? I got really into vintage clothes in college. All of the cool artsy girls I looked up to always wore the most unique and effortless vintage ensembles and I wanted to look just like them. When my Grandma noticed my newfound interest in all things vintage, she began gifting me with her own finds. Over the years I've collected mainly hats and jewelry from her, and this last fall she surprised me with some sentimental clothing of hers that she wanted me to try on. The first outfit was what she wore on her first date with my Grandpa. It fit like a glove and was absolutely fabulous. We ooohed and aaaahhhed, took photos, and as I handed the garments back to her she told me to keep them. It immediately made me cry. She is making it a point to share these things while she is alive and well, the stories behind them, and it is very meaningful. I appreciate the new reason to love vintage clothing and all of the stories they hold.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



