セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 4月7日 18時48分

Most amazing meal last night amongst good friends. We all ate nearly 1 kg grams of basically raw beef! That's right, RAW! I've had steak tartare before but nothing like this… The beef was so soft, basically melted in our mouths. Zero fat 100% protein high grade Japanese beef! The restaurant is a hidden treasure in Tokyo that's been open for 51 years and has not changed the menu since it opened. Only excepting 10 reservations a month and one group per day. It was a real treat and I would have to say now listed in my top three meals I've ever had in my life! Seriously, I never thought I'd be able to eat so much raw meat in my life but I was able to and without feeling heavy at all after. In fact we were all super fine and energized from a good stamina meal! #foodpornshare #hiddentreasures #carnivoroustagram #wow #nobeefnolife #moo


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