ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 4月6日 04時07分

"New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings" ~Lao Tzu

Nothing ever happens to us as a punishment. Energy is never created or destroyed. It just changes form.
The universe isn't cruel. Everything that comes our way is either an adjustment that we are receiving because we've gotten a little to far off the center of the road we should be on or a reward for being in alignment and dead center on it.
When we find ourselves in a chaotic situation, usually an ending, it is a result of us outgrowing our current situation. The universe is always trying to keep up with us and bring the things that are a match for us in the fastest way possible. If not for the chaos some things would linger way too long in our lives and occupy the space of the things that would be more fulfilling to us. ~Alessandro Giannetti (Spiritual teacher) @guidedlighthealing


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