ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 4月2日 22時26分

John Candy was one of my favourite actors, and today when doing my HIIT I related to his character Freddie in SPLASH so much! ? I wasn't feeling it AT ALL! I felt tired and lacked motivation and quite frankly couldn't be arsed! Some days that happens and for me that's ok. The key for me is to work on progress not perfection ?? I still completed my workout but mentally I struggled with it and didn't enjoy it. However afterwards, I felt great! I always do! So it was totally worth me pushing myself through my mental barrier. The mind always quits before the body and that's what I told myself. I basically kicked my own ass! And that's what you have to do. Don't quit. Push through the 'not so motivated days' remember how good movement is for your health, remember why you started! And afterwards, sit back and tell yourself, I KNEW I COULD DO IT! ?????


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