エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 4月2日 09時17分

The view from the very tippy top. I've seen it once on May 25, 2012. I reached the summit of Everest with a lot of help: from my teammates (including the Sherpa team of course), sponsors, various strokes of luck and fortunate opportunities, and also from the help of supplemental oxygen. I've always thought attempting to climb Everest without using O's was an incredibly admirable and badass endeavor, albeit perhaps one of the most brutal and slightly sadistic forms of physical challenge on the planet. I watched my teammate @コンラッド・アンカー attempt (and succeed) the year I was there, and the image of him stumbling into Basecamp completely destroyed yet proud and psyched as hell is forever etched into my memory. @adrianballinger has seen this views six times in the last decade, as a guide and rope-fixer, all while wearing oxygen, but it has been his dream to try to reach the same place without it. This season he is trying just that along with his partner and another dear friend @Cory Richards. Follow along on Snapchat on each of their feeds (adrianjb and crichardsphoto) as well at the handle EverestNoFilter to see all different perspectives of their expedition. I am joining them on a training hike in Boulder, Co this Sunday at 3:00pm at the Mt Sanitas trailhead - join us! RSVP at everestnofilter.com #everestnofilter


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