ジェシカ・ゾアのインスタグラム(sparethemerder) - 3月26日 11時54分

done. i am finished. im done being pushed around. supposedly im your best friend and you're mine but im guessing not. you hangout with this one girl everyday. lets call her, tiffany. tiffany is sweet but takes you away from me. second girl lets call her fish (very obvious who it is). fish is "annoying" according to you but you hangout with her all the time. third girl lets call her basic bitch. that basic bitch starts so much shit, creates so much drama including you sometimes and then you hangout with her frequently, more than you would if you really did "dislike" her. last bitch, blue. blue and you are supposedly not friends anymore but i know that like next week, you guys are gonna be "best hoes" again. you call all these people your best friends and maybe once and a while call me yours. i hate it all and im finished with it all entirely. fuck yourself and figure yourself out. bye bitch


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