キーラ・コサリンのインスタグラム(kirakosarin) - 3月25日 16時23分

Breaking the unspoken Instagram rules and posting another pic that looks like the one I already posted because SCREW THE RULES THIS IS FREAKING BETSEY JOHNSON WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERE ? #BetseyBash

I'm gonna tell you a story.

My first day in Hollywood (6 years ago), my parents and I were walking around, exploring LA, and stumbled upon a Betsey Johnson store front. I walked in and immediately fell in love. I tried on a dress with a big tutu at the bottom and wanted it immediately... Until I looked at the price tag. Spending three digits on a dress seemed insane to me, something I'd never ever be able to make feasible. I said to my dad "one day, if I ever walk on a red carpet, this is what I'll wear."

Okay, so my style changed a little bit shortly thereafter... but that doesn't change the fact that Betsey was my introduction to the crazy world of fashion.
And tonight? I hung out with Betsey herself... dressed in head to toe Betsey. And little 12 year old Kira was very pleased.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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