The Berricsのインスタグラム(berrics) - 3月16日 03時03分

With the invention of social media there is more skate content out there than there are minutes in the day. Who is who? What is what? Which one should you like? What should you watch? The moment could be over before it even begins and all that hard work could turn into all that lost time. Spotting, developing, and executing something one sees as valuable has seemingly become a test of endurance these days and a race to the finish line. With the world a tap away I’m convinced almost anyone can look good for 15 seconds. For 5 minutes, though? That’s a bit more of a challenge. Yesterday I woke up to an email with the subject line: #SUICHI4FUN - @ales_amor. There was no name signed to the email, just a note that said, “Probably nobody knows us but today we are going to push out the best video part. Take a look and then decide.” So I did. And although I don’t have the rest of the video by which to compare the other parts to Alex, I will take the sender of the email’s word for it. In a world of noise, this is a pretty good start to standing out. They asked for us to share it…so that’s what we are doing. - sb
#SkateboardingIsFun @suichiforfun


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