マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 3月15日 09時00分

@saraluaagah and I are here calling into #senatordianefeinstein to speak to her about Labelling of GMO's. We believe every family should have the right to know what we are feeding ourselves and our children, just like the 64 other countries including most EU nations, Brazil, Russia and China who already require GMO labeling. You can call your senator too, using 202-224-3121. This is the operator at the US Capitol. Just tell them who you want to speak to and they will put you through to your Senator. Even if you don't know who your Senator is, just call this number and say what state you're from. Usually a Page will answer to speak to you or you'll reach a message service. Do it with your children so you and they can feel how easy and how empowering it is to make your voice heard. Call now! You can also mention any other concern you have about anything. #SOULROCKER #justlabelit #nogmo. To be clear: The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act H.R.1599 is a bill that would prevent states from enforcing their own GMO labeling laws. Like many bills, in name it sounds like a good thing, but essentially it has been paid for by large food lobbies to stop manadatory labeling and stop us from knowing what might be in our food. It is also known as the DARK act (Deny Americans Right to Know act) by those who oppose it.#callyoursenators #stoptheDARKact


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