FIFAワールドカップのインスタグラム(fifaworldcup) - 3月8日 17時04分

#OnThisDay in 1873, England and Scotland met for just the second time, with both teams getting their first goals. After playing to a scoreless draw in Glasgow the previous November, the teams held a rematch in London at the Surrey Cricket Ground, better known as The Oval. Playing before a crowd of 3,000 people, England won 4-2. ‘If any proof were necessary,’ wrote Bell’s Life, ‘there was sufficient evidence on this occasion to convince the most sceptical that football, if only aided by fine weather, is a game that could take its place among the leading pastimes of the day.’ #England #Scotland #football #history #London #TheOval 
@サッカー イングランド代表チーム @scotlandnationalteam


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