ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 3月6日 17時40分

We leave the charity ball, walk in the freezing cold to my car, pay the parking fee, get to the car, realise I have no key. It's lost. ? I run back to the venue leaving @helendunning1 with my car, I'm rummaging around on the floor in my dress like a mad woman lifting up table cloths asking 300 drunk people if they have seen a car key. No one has. I leave the venue ready to cry and / or break something when when Kirsty Leigh Porter from Hollyoaks runs out to me with my keys! ???? I run back to the car, the 15 minute pay limit has ran out so we can't get out the ncp. lesson learnt. Next time I'll get a taxi! ? #dramafree


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