ルーシー・メックレンバーグのインスタグラム(lucymeck1) - 3月2日 06時47分

Star Magazine This article is offensive, totally untrue and undermining of the message I try to put out to impressionable young women, who follow me.
So here goes.
I have NEVER, that's absolutely never used Fillers in my lips. Never had cosmetic surgery of any kind to my face or anywhere else for that matter, nor have I ever had implants of collagen.
If you think that my lips look "out of proportion" to my face, then that's your opinion. But that's the mouth I was born with and the one I'm sticking with, so best you get used to it! Do not CONFIRM I have definitely had lip fillers when it's completely untrue!
Now, just so I don't end up upsetting anyone by defending myself. If someone wants to inject stuff into their face/lips/eyes whatever, then that's their choice and I'm not looking down upon the practice. It's just not for me, and I think it's wrong to put further pressure on young women to adopt a certain look to keep up with so called fashion.
Be natural, be healthy, be yourself!!!! P.S I discovered lip liner that's all ?


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