ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 2月27日 17時49分

Farmers walks are one of my favourite things to do between sets or at the end of a session. Unfortunately not a lot of commercial gyms have the equipment to perform them but they can be done with heavy dumbbells as a substitute.
Stand between your bars or Dumbbells, pick them up driving through your heels, steady yourself and Keeping your back straight, walk with them taking short quick steps. It's that simple. These are a lot harder then they look! Esp after performing a few of them. This was me @upfitnesslive after a huge upper body session with @ollyfosterfitness so the bars alone were heavy enough! I didn't need to load them up with weights ? My forearms were screaming at me to stop... But I didn't. ???


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