エイプリル・ロスのインスタグラム(aprilrossbeach) - 2月25日 05時27分

One of my strongest convictions is that growth should come from and be filtered by an internal source. Everyone is going to have an opinion on what you do and how you do it, but you know intrinsically what needs to be done for you to be your best. It's great if other people want to help you get there, but hang on tight to your core being and beliefs. Only allow yourself to digest what resonates with the deepest parts of you. Don't try too hard to become "this way" or think "that way", if change is right for you it will be natural, if change is needed the Universe will give you no other option. But to force something that doesn't feel right will always either be ineffective or even destructive. Be careful about what you read, who you listen to, the work you do, the goals you set. What works for other successful people might not work for you and trying to replicate other successful people is the surest way to fail, or at best, be a second rate version. Be you, work your authentic ass off, and pave your own way. And expect everyone else to do the same for themselves.
#NotesToMyself #FromAKook #ThisIsMyJournalRight? ?: Jim Wolf ??


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