Anthropologieのインスタグラム(anthropologie) - 2月8日 06時05分

A leap to NATURE by Mandy and Steve O’Shea of @moonflower_design / “In 2011, we left steady income, friends and family, and most of our possessions in California to trek across the country and start a farm in Georgia, using only vegetable oil from restaurants along the way as fuel. It was frightening and far from easy, but today, we work together to create beauty and bounty, and to do so responsibly. The upside is there—we love to be outdoors, and we see the fruits of our labor every day. We are surrounded by a network of sustainable farmers and enthusiasts whose altruistic intentions seem to collectively help folks like us, even if it’s just the comfort of knowing that somebody else shares your challenges. We are obliged to pay close attention to the earths rhythms, and to dance our dances accordingly. That kind of paying attention is a beautiful thing, and it’s more than enough to keep us feeling that it was a worthwhile leap. I can't imagine a life we’d rather be living.” ⠀

What was your major life leap? Share it with us by posting a snap with your story, #MakeALeap and #Anthropologie.


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